
Orfeo ed Euridice

London, W. Griffin, 1770
Gran Bretagna
italiano e inglese
35 p.
Gluck, Christoph Willibald (02/07/1714 - 15/11/1787)

Contenuto del libretto

1 Orfeo ed Euridice
Opera in the Grecian taste
Gluck, Christoph Willibald - compositore
Bach, Johann Christian - compositore
Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro - compositore
Calzabigi, Ranieri de - librettista
Bottarelli, Giovan Gualberto - librettista


p. [1] - frontespizioOrfeo ed Euridice. = Orpheus and Eurydice. An Opera in the Grecian taste as perform'd at the King's Theatre [...]. The music as originally composed by signor Gluch [!] to which [...] signor Bach has [...] condescended to add of his own new compositon, all such chorusses, airs, and recitatives, as are marked with inverted commas, except those which are sung by signor Guglielmi, and they are [...] an entire new production of signor Guglielmi, her husband. The poetry is from signor Calzabigi, with additions by G.C. Bottarelli. - London : W. Griffin, 1770


  • Sartori 1990 17432
    Sartori, Claudio, I libretti italiani a stampa dalle origini al 1800, Cuneo, Bertola & Locatelli, 1990-1993
  • ECCO
    Eighteenth Century Collections Online, Farmington Hills, Mich., Thomson Gale, 2003
  • ESTC: T43414
    English Short Title Catalogue, 2003
  • Libretti d'opera - UniPD: 864
    Bellina, Anna Laura et al., Libretti d'opera, Università degli Studi di Padova, 2013-2015
  • SBN: MUS0023059
    SBN Catalogo del servizio bibliotecario nazionale,  



DataLuogo ed EdificioTitoloGenereRappresentazione
07/04/1770 Londra, King's Theatre in the Haymarket Orfeo ed Euridice Opera in the Grecian taste versione riv.