
L' *odio e l'amor

opera lirica
27/12/1702 - Venezia, Teatro Grimani in S. Gio. Grisostomo
Stagione d'Inverno 1702-1703
[Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (ca. 1653 - 07/02/1723) ]


AnnoTitoloEdizioneLuogo ed Editore
1703L' *odio e l'amore prima edizione assolutaVenezia, Marino Rossetti


  • Selfridge-Field 2007: 1702/9 (but eight arias are attributed to Aldrovandini in a Neapolitan manuscript)
    Selfridge-Field, Eleanor, A new chronology of Venetian opera and related genres, 1660-1760, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2007 778 p.
  • Reardon 2010:
    Reardon, Colleen, Launching the Career of a secondo uomo in Late Seventeenth-Century Italy. Appendix, in «Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music», XVI (2010), 2010
  • Saunders 1985
    Saunders, Harris Sheridan Jr., The repertoire of a Venetian opera house (1678-1714): the Teatro Grimani di San Giovanni Grisostomo, Ann Arborn, UMI, 1985
  • Sonneck 1914: (Schatz 08304)
    Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore, Catalogue of Opera Librettos Printed before 1800, Washington, Library of Congress Music Division, 1914 2 v.
  • Alm 1992: 0496 (1703/01)
    Alm, Irene, Catalog of Venetian Librettos at the University of California Los Angeles, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1992
  • Chiarelli-Pompilio 2004 511
    Chiarelli, Alessandra - Pompilio, Angelo, "Or vaghi or fieri". Cenni di poetica nei libretti veneziani (circa 1640 - 1740), Bologna, CLUEB, 2004