
tit_ord Titolo Autore Produzione Data ORD Data Luogo Teatro
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1754/06/16 16/06/1754 Schwetzingen
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1754/11/04 04/11/1754 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1755/06/16 16/06/1755 Schwetzingen
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1759/11/05 05/11/1759 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1760/11/04 04/11/1760 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1764/11/05 05/11/1764 Mannheim Corte elettorale Palatina
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1775/11/07 07/11/1775 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1776/01/09 09/01/1776 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1776/02/06 06/02/1776 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1776/02/29 1776/02/ded. 29 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1776/04/20 20/04/1776 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
BALLI balli Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1776/05/18 18/05/1776 Londra King's Theatre in the Haymarket
CEYX ET ALCYONE Ceyx et Alcyone Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1762/11/04 04/11/1762 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
CEYX ET ECYONE Ceyx et Ecyone Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1763 1763 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
TELEMAQUE Telemaque Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1763 1763 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
TELEMAQUE DANS L ILE DE CALIPSO Telemaque dans l'Ile de Calipso Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1762/11/04 04/11/1762 Mannheim Corte Elettorale Palatina
THAMANGUL CHEF DES TARTARES Thamangul chef des Tartares Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1760 1760 Mannheim Corte
ULISSE ROI D ITAQUE Ulisse roi d'Itaque Bouqueton (1754-1776) -- 1760 1760 Mannheim Corte